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52 Week Challenge: A "B" Movie

Source: Trimark Pictures

Movie Title: Leprechaun

Year Released: 1993

Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1

Run Time: 92 mins

My Rating: 2/5 Stars

Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Comedy

Starring: Warwick Davis, Jennifer Aniston, Ken Olandt

Directed by: Mark Jones

Produced by: Mark Amin, Barry Barnholtz

Music by: Kevin Kiner, Robert J. Walsh

Awards Received: Chainsaw Award

Why did I choose this particular film?

I was listening to the Jennifer Aniston episode of the Podcast 'Smartless' * the other day and she mentioned this film so thought I would check it out and tick it off the list.

*See linked below

Would I recommend this film? Why or why not?

I would recommend this film if you really want a super easy watch and if you're a fan of Jennifer Aniston. She's good in this film but overall, it's a bit all over the place. It seems like Jones is attempting to cover up the ridiculous nature of a killer Leprehcuan running lose, by throwing in a bunch of gory scenes in the hope it can be classified as a somewhat serious horror film. It's arguably not Davis' best performance too but if you want a fun easy 'horror' film to watch and laugh about with your mates then this is the one; hence why I gave it 2 stars.

Source: Trimark Pictures

Which character was I most able to identify with or connect with?

I connected with Troy the most. Whilst initially rude and a bit snobby, she is humbled by the end of the film through the experience of fighting the Leprechaun and I sympathised with her feeling upset about moving somewhere unfamiliar and new.

Best line or memorable quote:

'Nathan, that was no fucking bear.'

Was I surprised by the ending?

I anticipated they would defeat the Leprechaun in the end but was also aware they would offer room to set it up for its subsequent seven sequels. Like any horror film, the struggle is endured until the few surviving escape whilst leaving some aspects of the ending open-ended for an easy sequel to be developed if the film does well. I couldn't believe it when I read it has seven sequels, but it seems it does.

Source: Trimark Pictures

What changes would I implement to make this an "A-List" movie?

I think a psychological thriller approach would be much better. For instance, making the Leprechaun something that is rarely seen by many people. It torments those that can see it and for that reason, makes people question whether the Leprechaun is actually real or just a figment of their imagination. Something similar to that of David Robert Mitchell's "It Follows" in which the person being targeted is the only one who sees the form chasing after them.

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